It Pays to Increase Your Nautical Word Power:
Compiled by Allen Mordica, TMLHA
TARHEEL and BACKSLIDER: Something in common?
North Carolinians consider the name Tarheel a complement, but where does the term come from?
Aboard ship, the sailor with the masthead lookout watch had a long, hard climb up the ratlines
(pronounced "ratlins"), the rope ladders running up either side of the mast to his post. After
four hours up there, he would normally climb back down, another tedious process. Or, lazy
(or hungry) sailor Jack could reach out to the backstay that ran directly from the masthead to
the deck, hook his ankles over the line and quickly, feet first and hand over hand, down Jack
would go, sliding effortlessly past the rest of the watch section climbing down to the deck, and
reserve his place at the head of the mess line!