22 Mar- (planned)
“A Post Such as Portsmouth” Portsmouth VA (1776 mariners LH presentation)
7-8 Jun- (tentative)
“Battle at Fort Pocahontas” Jame City VA (USN LH presentation)
03 Jul- (tentative)
“Coast Guard Celebration” City Park Chesapeake VA (US Revenue Cutter presentation)
06 Sep- (tentative)
“Portsmouth Paddle Battle” Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter presentation)
6-7 Dec (tentative)
“Battle of Great Bridge” Chesapeake VA (Royal Navy gun crew/boat crew presentation)
13 Apr- (completed)
“A Post Such as Portsmouth” Portsmouth VA (1776 mariners LH presentation)
28 Apr- (completed)
“Garrison Life at Fort Monroe” Hampton VA (US Revenue Cutter/USN LH presentation)
07 Sep- (completed)
“Portsmouth Paddle Battle” Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter presentation)
05 October (completed)
“Coast Guard Celebration” City Park Chesapeake VA (US Revenue Cutter presentation)
13 October (completed)
“Youth Virginia Regiment Encampment” Chesapeake VA (RN Living History presentation)
18 October (completed)
“Coast Guard Fall Carnival” CG Base Portmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter presentation)
01-02 Nov (cancelled)
“A Walk Throught History” Walkerton VA (US Revenue Cutter presentation)
01-02 Dec (completed)
“Battle of Great Bridge” Chesapeake VA (Royal Navy gun crew/boat crew presentation)
08 Apr- (completed)
“Lightship Reopening” at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Museum Portsmouth VA (1812-1862 US Revenue Cutter/USN LH presentation)
25 Aug- (completed)
“Tidewater Coast Guard Festival event” Chesapeake VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
10 Sep- (completed)
“Portsmouth Paddle Battle Event” Portsmouth VA (1790/1812/1862 US Revenue Cutter/USN LH presentation)
26 Mar- (completed)
“A Post Such as Portsmouth” Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USN LH presentation)
10 Sep- (completed)
“Portsmouth Paddle Battle Event” Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USN LH presentation)
17 Sep- (completed)
“Portsmouth Museum Day Event” Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USN LH presentation)
11 Sep- (completed)
“Portsmouth Museum Day Event” Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USN LH presentation)
09 Mar- (completed)
"Battle of Hampton Roads" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
15-17 Mar- (completed)
Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
13-14 Apr- (cancelled)
Yorktown Civil War Weekend, Yorktown, VA (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
22-23 Apr- (completed)
Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
10-11 Mar- (completed)
"Battle of Hampton Roads" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
16-18 Mar- (completed)
Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
27-29 Apr- (completed)
Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
20 Feb- (completed)
US Naval Historic Presentation for the Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City NC (US Navy landing party)
05-06 Mar- (completed)
"Battle of Hampton Roads" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
19-20 Mar- (completed)
Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
22-24 Apr- (completed)
Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
21 May- (completed)
“Contraband Decision" LH presentation at Fort Monroe Historical Site, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USM LH presentation)
10-12 Jun- (completed)
Civil War Encampment LH presentation at Fort Monroe Historical Site, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USM LH presentation)
20 Feb- (completed)
US Naval Historic Presentation for the Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City NC (US Navy landing party)
05-06 Mar- (completed)
"Battle of Hampton Roads" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
19-20 Mar- (completed)
Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
22-24 Apr- (completed)
Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
21 May- (completed)
“Contraband Decision" LH presentation at Fort Monroe Historical Site, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USM LH presentation)
10-12 Jun- (completed)
Civil War Encampment LH presentation at Fort Monroe Historical Site, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USM LH presentation)
12-13 Mar- (cancelled)
Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
13-14 Apr- (cancelled)
Yorktown Civil War Weekend, Yorktown, VA (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
22-23 Apr- (completed)
Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
26 Sep- (completed)
Living History Presentation, Chesapeake Waterways Museum, VA (1790-1800 civilian sailors)
24 Oct- (completed)
Living History Presentation, Chesapeake Waterways Museum, VA (1790-1800 civilian sailors)
21 Nov- (completed)
Living History Presentation, Chesapeake Waterways Museum, VA (1790-1800 civilian sailors)
15-17 Mar- (completed)
Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
13-14 Apr- (cancelled)
Yorktown Civil War Weekend, Yorktown, VA (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
22-23 Apr- (completed)
Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
10-11 Mar- (completed)
"Battle of Hampton Roads" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
16-18 Mar- (completed)
Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
27-29 Apr- (completed)
Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
20 Feb- (completed)
US Naval Historic Presentation for the Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City NC (US Navy landing party)
05-06 Mar- (completed)
"Battle of Hampton Roads" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
19-20 Mar- (completed)
Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
22-24 Apr- (completed)
Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
21 May- (completed)
“Contraband Decision" LH presentation at Fort Monroe Historical Site, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USM LH presentation)
10-12 Jun- (completed)
Civil War Encampment LH presentation at Fort Monroe Historical Site, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USM LH presentation)
20 Feb- (completed)
US Naval Historic Presentation for the Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City NC (US Navy landing party)
05-06 Mar- (completed)
"Battle of Hampton Roads" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
19-20 Mar- (completed)
Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
22-24 Apr- (completed)
Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
21 May- (completed)
“Contraband Decision" LH presentation at Fort Monroe Historical Site, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USM LH presentation)
10-12 Jun- (completed)
Civil War Encampment LH presentation at Fort Monroe Historical Site, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USM LH presentation)
"Battle of Hampton Roads" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
LH presentation at the Naval Shipyard Museum, Portsmouth VA (USN/USM LH presentation)
Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
LH presentation at the Naval Shipyard Museum, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USM LH presentation)
Independance Day Parade, Yorktown VA (USN/USRCS/USM Detachment)
LH presentation at the Naval Shipyard Museum, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USM LH presentation)
Nov- (tentative)
Reenactment at Ft. Branch, NC (Battle, USM/USN landing party)
US Naval Historic Presentation for the Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City NC (US Navy landing party)
07-09 Mar-
"Battle of Hampton Roads" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
14-16 Mar- Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
LH presentation at the Naval Shipyard Museum, Portsmouth VA (USN/USM LH presentation)
25-27 Apr- Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
LH presentation at the Naval Shipyard Museum, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USM LH presentation)
Independance Day Parade, Yorktown VA (USN/USRCS/USM Detachment)
LH presentation at the Naval Shipyard Museum, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USM LH presentation)
03 Feb- US Naval Historic Presentation for the Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City NC (US Navy landing party)
09-11 Mar- "Battle of Hampton Roads Weekend" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
29 Apr-01 May-Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
28 May- LH presentation at the Naval Shipyard Museum, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter/USM LH presentation)
08-10 Jun-OPSAIL/HarborFest Military Heritage Encampment, Norfolk, VA (USN/USM LH)
04 Jul- Independance Day Parade, Yorktown VA (USN/USRCS/USM Detachment)
04 Aug- Coast Guard Day, Portsmouth, VA (USRCS LH)
13 Sep-"The War That Nobody Won: British persepctive on the War of 1812" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
09 Nov- "Battle of the Beers" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, 1812 US Navy crew)
01-02 Dec- Battle of Great Bridge event at the Great Bridge Battlefield Museum site, Chesapeake, VA (LH, 1775 British Navy gun crew)
12 Feb- US Naval Historic Presentation for the Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City NC (US Navy landing party)
04-06 Mar- "Battle of Hampton Roads Weekend" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
19-20 Mar- Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
02 Apr- Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Museum, Portsmouth. (USN/MC Living History)
08-09 May- Gloucester LH event (USN/MC crew LH presentation)
04 Jul- Independance Day Parade, Torktown VA (USN/USRCS/USM Detachment)
24 Jul- First Battle of Manassas (Battle, USM Detachment)
06 Aug- Coast Guard Day, Portsmouth, VA (USRCS LH)
06-08 Nov- Reenactment at Ft. Branch, NC (Battle, USN support of land operation)
05-06 Feb- US Naval Historic Presentation for the Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City NC (US Navy landing party)
05-06 Mar- "Battle of Hampton Roads Weekend" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
20-21 Mar- Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (US Navy crew LH presentation)
23-25 Apr- Battle of Plymouth NC (US Navy landing party)
30 May- Memorial Ceremony/Dinner, Arlington National Cemetary (USN/USRCS/USM Detachment)
01 Aug- Coast Guard Day, USCG BSU Portsmouth VA (USRCS LH)
07 Aug- Norfolk Naval Shipyard Museum, Portsmouth, 1000 to 1700. (USRCS Living History)
11 Sep- Hartwood Days LH event, Fredericksburg, VA (USN LH presentation)
02 Oct- MacArthur Memorial Navy Event, Norfolk, VA(USN LH presentation)
16 Oct- ScoutFest 100, Va. Beach Amphitheater (USRCS LH presentation)
07 Feb- US Naval Historic Presentation for the Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City NC (US Navy landing party)
06-08 Mar- "Battle of Hampton Roads Weekend" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
21-22 Mar- Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (US Navy crew LH presentation)
25 May- Memorial Day Parade, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter crew)
(Various summer dates) Educational Programs at the Hampton Roads Naval Museum Norfolk, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
01 Aug- Coast Guard Day, USCG ISC Portsmouth VA (USRCS LH)
08 Aug- Norfolk Naval Shipyard Museum, Portsmouth, VA (USRCS Living History)
August 16- Norfolk Naval Shipyard Museum/Portsmouth Lightship, "Resistance and Reunion - Portsmouth in the Civil War Era, 1841 - 1880".
20-21 Sep- Chesapeake Civil War Days at the Chesapeake City Park, VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
10 Feb- US Naval Historic Presentation for the Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City NC (US Navy landing party)
07-09 Mar- "Battle of Hampton Roads Weekend" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
16-18 Mar- Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (US Navy crew LH presentation)
05 Apr- Richmond Civil War Day at Tredegar Iron Works Richmond VA (USRCS LH presentation)
25-27 April- Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
16-18 May Battle at Fort Pocahontas, VA (USN LH/battle presentation)
26 May Memorial Day Parade, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter crew)
July 26, August 10 Educational Programs at the Hampton Roads Naval Museum Norfolk, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
02 Aug Coast Guard Day, USCG ISC Portsmouth VA (USRCS LH)
02 Aug Norfolk Naval Shipyard Museum, Portsmouth, VA (USRCS Living History)
August 16 Old Coast Guard Station Museum, Virginia Beach (USRCS LH)
August 16 Norfolk Naval Shipyard Museum/Portsmouth Lightship, "Resistance and Reunion - Portsmouth in the Civil War Era, 1841 - 1880".
Sept 6 and 7- City Point Unit of Petersburg Battlefield, near Hopewell, Virginia (US Navy LH)
20-21 Sep Chesapeake Civil War Days at the Chesapeake City Park, VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
11 Feb- US Naval Historic Presentation for the Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City NC (US Navy landing party)
10-12 Mar-"Battle of Hampton Roads Weekend" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
17-19 Mar- Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USRCS LH presentation)
29-30 April- Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
29 May- Memorial Day Parade, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter crew parades)
Jun, Jul, Aug- Educational Programs at the Hampton Roads Naval Museum Norfolk, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
05 Aug- Coast Guard Day, USCG ISC Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
08-10 Sep Civil War Days at the Main Public Library Chesapeake, VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
11 Feb- US Naval Historic Presentation for the Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City NC (US Navy landing party)
10-12 Mar- "Battle of Hampton Roads Weekend" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
17-19 Mar- Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USRCS LH presentation)
01-02 Apr- Suffolk Civil War Day Suffolk VA (USRCS LH presentation)
15 April- Educational Program at the Hampton Roads Naval Museum Norfolk, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
29-30 April- Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
29 May- Memorial Day Parade, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter crew parades)
30 June- Change of Command of the USCG Maintenance and Logistics Command Atlantic Portsmouth, VA (US Revenue Cutter Ushers/Escorts)
Jun, Jul, Aug- Educational Programs at the Hampton Roads Naval Museum Norfolk, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
05 Aug- Coast Guard Day, USCG ISC Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
08-10 Sep Civil War Days at the Main Public Library Chesapeake, VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
12 Feb- US Naval Historic Presentation for the Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City NC (US Navy landing party)
19-20 Feb- US Navy at Roanoke Is. Festival Park (US Navy landing party)
05-06 Mar- "Monitor Day" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
02 Apr- Richmond Civil War Day at Tredegar Iron Works VA (USRCS LH presentation)
15-17 April Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
20-22 May Battle at Fort Pocahontas, VA (USN LH/battle presentation)
30 May/10-12am Memorial Day Parade, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter crew parades)
30 May12-3pm Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Museum, Portsmouth VA (USRCS LH presentation)
11-12, 25-26 Jun- Educational Programs at the Hampton Roads Naval MuseumNorfolk, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
10-11, 31 Jul; 14-15 Aug- Educational Programs at the Hampton Roads Naval Museum Norfolk, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
29-31 Jul- Quadrennial National Boy Scout Jamboree, Ft. A. P. Hill, VA (USRCS LH presentation)
06 August Coast Guard Day, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
13 August Annual Coast Guard Ball, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
10-11 Sep Civil War Days at the Main Public Library Chesapeake, VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
07 Feb- US Naval Historic Presentation for the Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City NC (US Navy landing party)
14-15 Feb- US Navy at Roanoke Is. Festival Park (US Navy landing party)
06-07 Mar- "Monitor Day" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
20-21 Mar- Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USRCS LH presentation)
17 Apr- Burial Procession for crew of H. L. Hunley , Charleston, SC (US Revenue Cutter crew parades)
24 Apr- Richmond Civil War Day at Tredegar Iron Works VA (USRCS LH presentation)
01-02 May- Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
22-23 May- Battle at Fort Pocahontas, VA (USN LH/battle presentation)
31 May- Memorial Day Parade, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter crew parades)-and-
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Museum, Portsmouth VA (USRCS LH presentation)
05,19-20 Jun- Educational Programs at the Hampton Roads Naval Museum Norfolk, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
09 Jul- Change of Command of the USCG Command & Control Engineering Center Portsmouth, VA (US Revenue Cutter Color Guard)
10-11, 31 Jul; 14-15 Aug- Educational Programs at the Hampton Roads Naval Museum Norfolk, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
19 Jul- Change of Command of the USCG Atlantic Area Command Portsmouth, VA (US Revenue Cutter Color Guard, Ushers/Escorts, salute gun)
31 Jul- Coast Guard Day, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
07 Aug- Coast Guard Day, Yorktown VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
11-12 Sep- Civil War Days at the Main Public Library Chesapeake, VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
01-03 Oct- History Alive!, Botanical Gardens Norfolk VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
24 Oct- Groundbreaking for the Monitor Center at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
08 Feb- US Naval Historic Presentation for the Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City NC (US Navy landing party)
08-09 Mar- "Monitor Day" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
14-16 Mar- Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USRCS LH presentation)
25-27 Apr- Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
02 May- Downtown Dock Party held by the Schooner VIRGINIA Project (USRCS LH presentation)
10 May- City of Portsmouth's The Olde Towne History Trail Portsmouth, VA (USRCS LH presentation)
17-18 May- Battle at Fort Pocahontas, VA (USN LH/battle presentation)
26 May- Memorial Day Parade, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter crew parades)
02 Aug- Coast Guard Day, Yorktown VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
03 Sep- Downtown Dock Party held by the Schooner VIRGINIA Project (USRCS LH presentation)
06-08 Sep- Civil War Days at the Main Public Library Chesapeake, VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
27 Sep- Lafayette River Raft-Up, ODU Sailing Center Norfolk VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
03-05 Oct- History Alive!, Botanical Gardens Norfolk VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
15-16 Nov- School of the Sailor at CSS Neuse Historical Site, Kinston, NC (LH, CS Navy crew)
06-07 Dec- Christmas in the Field Civil War Battle Re-enactment at Endview Plantation, Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
12-13 Jan- US Navy at Fort Fisher NC (US Navy landing party)
16-17 Feb- US Navy at Roanoke Is. Festival Park (US Navy landing party)
02-03 Mar- School of the Sailor, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
09 Mar- "Monitor Day" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
16-17 Mar- Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USRCS LH presentation)
19-21 Apr- Battle of Plymouth, Port O' Plymouth Museum NC (US Navy landing party)
18-19 May- Battle at Fort Pocahontas, VA (USN LH/battle presentation)
25 May- Portsmouth Under Four Flags, Portsmouth VA (USRCS LH presentation)
27 May- Memorial Day Parade, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter crew parades)
03 Aug- Coast Guard Day, Yorktown VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
10 Aug- Return of USS Monitor's Turret to the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
06-08 Sep- Civil War Days at Main Library Chesapeake, VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
04-06 Oct- History Alive!, Botanical Gardens Norfolk VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
11 Oct- Rededication of Building One, Portsmouth Naval Hospital, VA (US Navy LH presentation)
01-03 Nov- Reenactment at Ft. Branch, NC (Battle, USN support of land operation)
15-17 Nov- School of the Sailor at CSS Neuse Historical Site, Kinston, NC (LH, CS Navy crew)
19 Jan- Garland of Grace Academy, Chesapeake VA (Living History presentation)
17-18 Feb- Roanoke Is. Festival Park (US Navy landing party)
09 Mar- Battle of Hampton Roads, Norfolk Naval Base (Lecture/Boat tour, US/CS Navy crew)
31 Mar- "Monitor Day" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
17 18 Mar- Military Through the Ages, Jamestown, VA (USN LH presentation)
4-6 May- Sea Scout Days, Nansemond Academy, Suffolk VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
19-20 May- Battle at Fort Pocahontas, VA (USN LH/battle presentation)
28 May- Memorial Day Parade, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter crew parades)
28 July- "Monitor Day" at the Mariner's Museum Newport News, VA (LH, US Navy crew)
05 Aug- Coast Guard Day, Yorktown VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
14-16 Sep- Civil War Days at Chesapeake Public Library, Chesapeake, VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
05-07 Oct- History Alive!, Botanical Gardens Norfolk VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
13 Oct- Lafayette River Raft-Up, Norfolk VA (US Revenue Cutter LH presentation)
02-04 Nov- Reenactment at Ft. Branch, NC (Battle, USN support of land operation)
16-18 Nov- School of the Sailor at CSS Neuse Historical Site, Kinston, NC (LH, CS Navy crew)
05 Aug- Coast Guard Day, Portsmouth VA (US Revenue Cutter crew)
12 Aug- Ft. Wool, Newport News (US Revenue Cutter crew)
27 Aug- Ft. Wool, Newport News (US Navy crew)
12-13 Sep- Civil War Days at Chesapeake Public Library, Chesapeake, VA (US Revenue Cutter crew)
04-06 Nov- Reenactment at Ft. Branch, NC (US Naval Infantry support of land operation)
17-19 Nov- School of the Sailor at CSS Neuse Historical Site, Kinston, NC (CSN Living History)
09 Dec- Old Town Portsmouth Historic House Tour (Shanty sing)